Just decided to do the update and I love iTween believe me, that it got included is nice but not for my current project.
So I decided to remove all the iTween related files thinking it would be 'ok', but then the horror started ...
Assets/PlayMaker/Editor/FsmComponentInspector.cs(172,9): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `iTweenMoveTo' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
ugh ... find the good side ... we don't care about the stuff in OnSceneGui() in this project so ...
//iTweenMoveTo temp;
Vector3[] tempVct3;
FsmState lastSelectedState;
public void OnSceneGUI(){
Lets hope this ugly fix will hold. Playmaker is grate on it's own. Let those extras be what they are, extras and not core. Just my 2 cent.
Besides that, good job on the update. PlayerPrefs rock
edit: made it less rant like.