
Author Topic: Nice one, beside iTween *random cursing*  (Read 11343 times)


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Nice one, beside iTween *random cursing*
« on: April 07, 2011, 09:33:14 AM »
Just decided to do the update and I love iTween believe me, that it got included is nice but not for my current project.
So I decided to remove all the iTween related files thinking it would be 'ok', but then the horror started ...

Assets/PlayMaker/Editor/FsmComponentInspector.cs(172,9): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `iTweenMoveTo' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

ugh ... find the good side ... we don't care about the stuff in OnSceneGui() in this project so ...

Code: [Select]
//iTweenMoveTo temp;
Vector3[] tempVct3;
FsmState lastSelectedState;

public void OnSceneGUI(){

Lets hope this ugly fix will hold. Playmaker is grate on it's own. Let those extras be what they are, extras and not core. Just my 2 cent.

Besides that, good job on the update. PlayerPrefs rock  8)
edit: made it less rant like.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 12:52:31 PM by koen.pis »


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Re: iTween *random cursing*
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 10:06:13 AM »
Wrong section, buddy.

Also, I don't get how you'd want to run iTween deleting its source code.
PlayMaker isnt compiled program, it is all open scripts and they can't grab iTween into their code saying "they made it".

Of course you need iTween folder to run iTween functions.  ;D

Alex Chouls

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Re: iTween *random cursing*
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2011, 11:41:49 AM »
Actually koen.pis raises a good point... Because of the way we integrated live path editing in the inspector there's no simple one step process to remove iTween from playmaker. We should make this easier... Maybe with a #define iTween (would compile out the code that koen.pis commented out).

We'll add that in the next update...


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Re: iTween *random cursing*
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2011, 12:25:41 PM »
Wrong section, buddy.

Also, I don't get how you'd want to run iTween deleting its source code.

- This was my review/experience on/with going from 1.0 to 1.1 so it's the right section.
- I don't want to run iTween and I don't want it in the project folder.

@ Alexchouls, thx for getting it, a simple #define would make it easier and cleaner.

One of the things I love about playmaker is that I can easily remove any action I don't want (the animators and level designers to use). So this step with iTween got me bit concerned about future updates ;)

Alex Chouls

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Re: Nice one, beside iTween *random cursing*
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2011, 02:10:46 PM »
Yeah as the action list grows I want to add some action management functions to the Action Browser:

- Hide unused actions
- Delete unused actions (useful before you publish).
- Quick access to favorite or recent actions.
- Import actions from unitypackage.
- Maybe hide/show by namespace...

Also right click on an action to see all places its used and jump there quickly (like you can now with variables and events).


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Re: Nice one, beside iTween *random cursing*
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2011, 03:24:15 PM »
Yeah as the action list grows I want to add some action management functions to the Action Browser:

- Hide unused actions
- Delete unused actions (useful before you publish).
- Quick access to favorite or recent actions.
- Import actions from unitypackage.
- Maybe hide/show by namespace...

Also right click on an action to see all places its used and jump there quickly (like you can now with variables and events).

Oh, at this case that is bad. I didnt understood you don't want to use it.
We should be able to delete to folder freely. PlayMaker should not call it if is not there. Now I see the point.