
Author Topic: Particle colliders and 2D Physics  (Read 7014 times)


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Particle colliders and 2D Physics
« on: May 27, 2014, 07:05:02 PM »
Downloaded the Shuriken Bridge but it doesn't appear to work with a 2d sprite. The sprite has 2d physics circle and rigibody attached. set the particle to mesh etc but not registering the hit in global events. is there a way of making this work?




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Re: Particle colliders and 2D Physics
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2014, 07:20:16 AM »

 Vera interesting question, with unfortunatly some bad news, shuriken doesn't work with 2d colliders ( as far as I know and researched). This bridge use an agnostic system ( well Unity shuriken api) and so I don't have much room here. You should run this past a bug report via Unity to get a proper answer from them as to whether this is indeed supported or not.

