Hi Michael,
You can toggle the "normalize" toggle and you will get the delta progression as a percentage of the screensize ( width and height being equal to 1)
but you don't need that to evaluate the direction I think.
Two solutions:
1: using the delta position:
if x is negative, it's going left, ir x is positive it's going right
if y is positive it's going up, if y is negative it's going down.
if going left and up, then it's going for the top left of the screen, if right and down, it's going for the bottom right and so on.
2: using the angle:
angle of 0 means it's going right
angle of 180, means it's going left
angle of 45 means it's going for the top right screen more or less
Using angles, you only need to evaluate one variable, and that can be done using one action "float switch"
I have attached a screenshot of a possible set up for checking the angle.
Hope it helps,