I don't think his can be done with an action, will add it to my long list.
i think this is the code for it in bold:
public static void ShowAd (string zone = null, bool pauseGameDuringAd = true)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zone)) zone = null;
ShowOptions options = new ShowOptions();
options.pause = pauseGameDuringAd;
options.resultCallback = HandleShowResult;
public static void HandleShowResult (ShowResult result)
switch (result)
case ShowResult.Finished:
Debug.Log("The ad was successfully shown.");
case ShowResult.Skipped:
Debug.Log("The ad was skipped before reaching the end.");
case ShowResult.Failed:
Debug.LogError("The ad failed to be shown.");
}am i right in thinking the action would just need an playmaker FSM.event for each of the cases in the switch statement?
http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/question-concerning-video-adds-return-value.279849/i think thats all it needs but i dont know how to do it. when i add a fsm.event to each of them i get an error.
this is the last thing i need before i click submit to the app store, so i would be so grateful if you could take a look.