Hi Everyone,
So... you want arrays and hashtables with playmaker?! then this is for you. I have made a fully functionnal system to easily work with arrays and hashtable within playmaker. You can get the package on the wiki here:
https://hutonggames.fogbugz.com/default.asp?W715you can get it directly from the
Ecosystem now!
Also, thanks to Sebastian alvarez for making screencasts videos:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SBuH1vxC7ABasically, there is two proxy components that you create either during authoring or during runtime ( custom actions available to do so right within playmaker). Then with a full set of custom actions, you can do everything you normally do with arrays and hashtable but within playmaker.
The good thing is that the array and hashtable proxy component feature a custom editor so that you can pre fill content during authoring, making it very easy.
I originally planned to release this on the asset store, but I have to be realistic, this is not the right time for me: I would not be able to provide a good enough support. when I will get some downtime work wise, It might make it with some more goodies.
Several samples are available with this package using most if not all the custom actions, some are just "unit test" to make sure the system works as expected, some xample are more "fun to watch" like "PlayMakerSamples/Addons/ArrayMaker/ArrayList/GameObjectPositionning"
This sample creates as much cubes as you define in an array ( using a position), and also set it's color again from a another array. As they fall, each cube set back it's position to the array, so that you can watch in real time the position of cube being set in that original array. Furthermore, if you modify the colors from the array, the related cube will update its color in real time! ( note, in the unity preferences, uncheck "use OS X color picker" for an even more granular color update, the osX picker only update when you mouse up on the a color, not while you are mouse down).
If you have any questions, use this forum and put in the title "ArrayMaker"
There are few more things to do like help sections for each custom actions, screencasts to explain the basics, and generally some script improvements ( not happy with many aspect of it, so lots of room for enhancements).