
Author Topic: Gear VR Touchpad (Click, Double Click, Swipe)  (Read 2896 times)


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Gear VR Touchpad (Click, Double Click, Swipe)
« on: May 10, 2016, 07:42:46 AM »
Hi everyone,

I've been tinkering around with my Gear VR and wondered if a custom action could be created to facilitate easier input from the touchpad in Playmaker ?

Attached is the C# script provided in the VR samples project on the asset store. I understand the code enough to see what's going on under the hood and was able to replicate the swipes I needed in an FSM but it just seems like the long way round.

Would anyone be able to take the script and turn it into an action ? Ideally something that can just wait for an input to happen and then send an event based on type (click, double click, up, down, left, right) when one does.

Thanks in advance for you help and input !


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Re: Gear VR Touchpad (Click, Double Click, Swipe)
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2016, 02:25:53 AM »

 I have started porting the VR samples from UnityLearn to PlayMaker, so this is coming soon :)

Meanwhile, you can connect the Unity Actions to send events like one can do with all Unity events within the Inspector. that's a good starting point to use VR Input as is.

