How do you feel about the audio in this build? Too loud, or good enough?
Some bits were too loud, some were fine. Not really going to touch the audio levels until all of the sound is in the game. Though having said that, I did lower the volume on some things that got annoying whilst i was testing

Managed to do a little bit of work over the weekend:
- Blocked out some graphics
- Changed bird AI, they now fly to the side, swoop after you, then fly to the other side, whilst firing birdlasers at you
- The immune melee guy didn't fit in with the gameplay, so I changed him to be an enemy that requires one hit to weaken before you can bounce a second time to defeat him.
- Boulders have graphics + particles. Will likely repaint the texture once all of the graphics are in place and I need to think more carefully about colour scheme.
Latest Webplayer: an updated gameplay video:
Next up is figuring out what the theme of the game should be, and then letting that guide the character design and so on.