
Author Topic: Is photon unity networking capable of storing player accounts and information?  (Read 2097 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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I am making a game that will require the players stats to be recorded. So account information, win/loss record, and all that kind of stuff. Is that possible to do with PUN? Or will I need to bring in something else? If I do need to bring something else in, what service do you suggest?


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-- You can use ArrayMaker combined with EasySave ( it can load/save online)

-- you can use Parse, but it comes at a coast if your game gets succesfull with many hits ( you have room tho...)

-- you can use a game distribution engine framework, typically, this is only if you want to distribute your game insie such system like Steam or else.

-- you can use the GameCenter if you are on IOS

-- you'll find many solutions on the asset stores, double check if they support PlayMaker, simply ask the author before purchasing if in doubt

