What do you mean by GUI Text? is it a component "GUIText". if that's the case, I can make it work when no stripping option is selected, else if I select the maximum stripping option, I have to included the GUIText into the link.xml
can you try the following instructions. they work for me:
The solution is:
-- Switch to PlayMaker Nacl version, which has its network support removed. Go to the PlayMaker/Versions folder and install PlaymakerNACL.unitypackage
-- Remove all networking actions (in PlayMaker/Actions/networking)
1: you have PlayMaker Nacl installed
2: you have micro mscorlib stripping selected
3: you have an GameObject with a GUITexture component
4: you have an fsm with a "Set Property" action setting a property of that GUITexture
5: create a link.xml under your "Assets/" folder with the following content:
<assembly fullname="UnityEngine">
<type fullname="UnityEngine.GUITexture" preserve="all"/>
6: publish in an IOS device, and it will work, the GUITexture component will be preserved from stripping ( Unity likely bin that because it's obsolete, fair enough, but it's a good simple case), and accessing the GUITtexture using reflection ( "Set/get property" action) will now work fine.
So, in your own projects, you'll have to identify what is missing in terms of properties and fill the link.xml accordingly.
more on this here:
http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/iphone-playerSizeOptimization.htmlIf you have trouble with this, let me know. It's important we provide a clear set of instructions on this case, cause a lot of members are confronted with this problem.
What version of Unity are you using? GUITexture is very limited, and I would strongly recommand you use the new Unity UI system, which will give you more possibilities and will work better in the long run. And you have all the custom actions needed to work with this from the wiki or Ecosystem.