
Author Topic: Making a controller that takes physics into consideration?  (Read 978 times)


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Making a controller that takes physics into consideration?
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:09:51 PM »
Hi everyone.

So I've been working on making some isometric prototypes. My latest was a 2-week project. The exported game can be accessed here:

So one of the bigger issues of this prototype I'm looking to try and solve for the next prototype is creating a isomeric (Diablo-style) control system that's similar but actually takes hitting physics objects into consideration.

As of right now my movement model is that when I left tap the mouse on the floor it does a ray cast and creates a vector 3 from it. The "Player" object then moves and rotates towards the location via a "I tween move to"

The issue at the moment is that any attempt to give these objects ragidbodies turns the movement into jittery madness that quickly ruins the player object.

So, how could I create a similar isometric control style of an object traveling towards a mouse-point I click, but also allowing it to have dynamic physics that will stop when it hits a collider? :)

Thanks for your time everyone. :)

Any ideas?