
Author Topic: What would be the best hierarchy for this system?  (Read 1735 times)


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What would be the best hierarchy for this system?
« on: May 08, 2014, 06:25:19 PM »
Hi, I want to recreate some elements from this game that I animated to show some of the GUI elements of it. It's for mobile and requires touch. I saw some of the tutorials but I feel like I start now, I'll mess up the organization or hierarchy. Could somebody explain what the best hierarchy of FSM would be to achieve this? The only thing I want from this prototype is the GUI element of the menu popping up as a comic balloon. The gameplay itself will be somewhat different, for example, no movement like a platformer, so both fighting characters will be standing there. However, the HP, energy, and "timer" meter that controls the activation of turns will remain.

My target platform is Windows Phone 8.


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Re: What would be the best hierarchy for this system?
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2014, 02:44:50 AM »

 I would study existing PlayMaker open source games to get a feel of how things can be organized within your scene.

it also depends what UI system you will be using, it will greatly affect organization.

 don't overthink this aspect, it's usually not really important when you start somethings, and you can always reorganise things as you progress in your project. It's actually pretty much always the case that you will have to refactor here and there, so get your hands dirty and dive in however you feel best here.

Typically, I personnaly use a lot of empty gameobjects simply like "folders" basically, and I name them oddly like "__MANAGER__" or "-UI-", just so that it stands out in my scene hierarchy that this is purely a structural item.




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Re: What would be the best hierarchy for this system?
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2014, 09:35:22 PM »
Hi Jean,

Thank you for the response. I'm starting to understand folder organisation and the FSM states. I had to go learn Unity basics and the "hard way" of doing things, before going back to Playmaker, I probably should have spent more time on regular Unity, but I'm trying to learn Playmaker as fast as possible.