
Author Topic: movement of platform  (Read 900 times)

Ronnie gaikwad

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movement of platform
« on: May 12, 2020, 10:48:08 AM »

Hi I'm trying to make a similar game.. I'm making the character bounce at same place by using itween move to and ping-pong.. that works fine.. Now I'm stuck at one thing and that is to bring the platform Bellow the ball just before collision same as the video.. in the video when the ball is coming down the platform is moving and coming Bellow ball and the ball exactly hit the x axis passing through the center of the plaform.. so the ball exactly have the xaxis passing through center of platform.. how to do this? how to match the timing of collision?
i made all platforms child of one starting platform and added itween move to to that platform.. and tried adjusting the speed of it so that every platform will come Bellow the ball at right time.. it works sometimes and the timing mismatches most of the time


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Re: movement of platform
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2020, 03:02:34 AM »

 it has to be done mathematically, move your ball and camera front by a fixed amount per seconds, there should be no mismatch if all your platform are equally positionned and with the same distance from one another.

to make this easy, let's say you have a distance of 1 between each platform, use the action Translate and move by one on the front axis and check per seconds. that should be enough to get this right.

