I've been trying to make some flight patterns for a top down shooting game but I'm in need of some PlayMaker actions that I think would be really popular with users of either of these add-ons.
iTween is okay but the lack of fine tuning (control points, corner/smooth, etc) make it difficult to get precise shapes (like a perfect spiral or an 90 degree L-shape). It's possible some get some accurate shapes but only after a lot of fiddling about and a lot of points. The 2 spline editors mentioned above fix this but they are not yet supported in PlayMaker.
I've tried Spline Editor and it seems perfect for the job. I've been able to make some nice shapes as it has smooth/corner/bezier options and also being able to adjust the steps between points for smoother curves. Plus it's also cheap, about 5 euros. I've yet to try Super Splines but it's price suggests it's even better (
http://www.super-splines.de/index.php?siteID=2), it certainly looks better and seems to have a few more features that I'm sure would be useful (like generating mesh at runtime).
If someone could make some actions for either of these add-ons then I think they would be much appreciated and make Playmaker even better (if that's possible!).