I also make a platformer, and some aspects can be more inticate than they seem
I start simple. They then get refined considerably, to get to the nice
juice. I use a rigidbody2D, and the actions to move set velocity2D every frame. The move FSM has one ini state (to initialize, fetch stats etc.) and only two states, one for moving left and one for moving right. Search for my actions here in the forum, I combined the core actions into one. On top of each state, I flip the sprites. Underneath, I get the axis each frame, and set velocity 2D each frame (and more for animations, particles, sound)
Jump works similar. The basic version has few states: listen to button down, next state apply velocity 2D upwards. System global transition “On Collision Enter”, on the start state.
Next, for camera, use Cinemachine (free package of Unity). See some tutorials for it, this makes the camera move smoothly and has plenty to tweak how to move. The settings totally depend on your game, but see Brackeys example below. To pass platforms upwards, Blackthornprod (other video below) uses platform effectors 2D on the platforms.
I recommend also Unity or coding tutorials. While they are eventually about coding, they use the very same concepts Playmaker also uses (or rather, vice versa). Checkout Brackeys and Blackthornprod on YouTube (generally), but here are two you’ll find useful (you can of course also ask
2D Camera in Unity (Cinemachine Tutorial)