Was it worth paying for? Did you make your money back quickly?
Yes and no.
Its well worth to use, as it does not only have unity ads.
it has many more things like : Game Services, in app purchase, notification,etc.
To earn this back depends totally up to your game / marketing.
Ugh this is so frustrating, I downloaded Playmaker for the ease of use and support, but so far any question/bug ive run into hasnt gotten a solution and I have to figure out other ways around my problem
I have looked to your previous posts if we forget or did not see your posts, but all your posts that i found has been answered.
So you statement is kind of unfair/untrue.
If we missed some questions post a link so we can answer them.
Have you set test mode etc on the unity dashboard?
Did you get Monetization 3.0 from asset store or did you use the package manager version?
Do you have the correct Id (be sure its the Android Id and not Apple id.)
What unity version are you using?