
Author Topic: Oculus Playmaker - Get Gear Go Button not working  (Read 4857 times)


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Oculus Playmaker - Get Gear Go Button not working
« on: November 30, 2019, 02:13:15 PM »
I am using the Oculus Playmaker add on. Its pretty handy. I'm having an issue with 'Get Gear Go Button'.  I can't get the state to work in my Oculus Go.

To test to make sure I had my FSM set up correctly, I tried disabling the 'Get Gear Go Button' and instead just did a 'Get Key Down' state.

I hit play, clicked in the 'Game' window. But, pressing the 'O' key (the key I set in Get Key Down), is not being registered.

Is this because its an Android project and not a desktop project? or I am I missing something else here?

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Re: Oculus Playmaker - Get Gear Go Button not working
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2019, 12:54:09 AM »

Its probably best that you send a message to the creator of the package. They may not see a message here on the forum and they can probably help you best.