
Author Topic: [SOLVED] How to embed Playmaker editor in a Unity window (playmaker tab)  (Read 14193 times)


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I just purchased PlayMaker, and am excited to get started with it.  I have watched a few tutorials and feel prepared to begin.

Unfortunately, I cannot get the PlayMaker UI to appear within Unity.  I can import it, I have it as a tab next to "window", and have attempted to follow instructions found online, including in PlayMaker's Wiki.  But nothing will work.  Can I please have help in doing this?

To be more clear, I click on the tab for playmaker, and click playmaker editor.  This brings up a full screen of nothingness, and while there are options in the top left to bring in browsers, windows, etc, doing so on gives a popup image that cannot be attached to the sides of the window, and are not attached to the playmaker editor, they just float around uselessly.

I am stumped.  Please help.

Thank you!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 08:16:14 PM by teahousemoon »


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Re: New and cannot orient the PM UI
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 07:17:54 AM »

Do you have errors on your project? check the console. you need to have a clean error free project to properly launch playmaker set of tabs,




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Re: New and cannot orient the PM UI
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 09:20:00 PM »
Thank you for your response Jean!

No, there are no errors whatsoever.  Everything is functioning properly, except none of the playmaker UI elements will come onto the screen.  Basically, I'm stuck in Unity.  And I have no idea what I'm doing.  No tutorials, nor the wiki, have helped so far.  I just plainly don't know what to do to get started.

Thanks for any assistance!


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Re: New and cannot orient the PM UI
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2012, 01:41:18 AM »

 Are you using two screens or something like that?

could you make a screenshot of what you get? or a screencast so that we can see? that would help a lot.




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Re: New and cannot orient the PM UI
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2012, 05:59:42 AM »
Hello Jean,

Thank you again for your reply, and I'm sorry to have taken so long to respond to you.  I've been extremely busy with many things and fighting with playmaker and unity has had to wait.

Instead of providing media relating to my issue, I believe that the answer to one [hopefully] simple question could solve all of my issues:

How do I open Playmaker as an embedded window in Unity?

When you open Unity with a blank project, it will begin with a "scene" window open in the viewer.  You can change the layout of these windows in the windows tab under "layouts".  Also in the windows tab, you can choose from several different windows, like scene, game, inspector, hierarchy, project, etc.  When clicked, these open new windows, but they 'float' above the Unity UI.  To avoid this floatation, you can right click a windows tab that is already open in the viewer (e.g. "scene"), and select "add tab."  Selecting any of the options from the dropdown menu that is created from this will create a new window tab in your viewer (e.g. "game").

Now, all of the Playmaker tutorials I see have a Playmaker window tab open in the viewer, and it is not floating.  I cannot figure out how this is possible.  I have access to playmaker and all of its resources, but can only get them through 'floating' windows.

I hope I have simplified my inquiry, but if it is still necessary, I'll upload some media to demonstrate my confusion.

Thank you!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 06:01:54 AM by teahousemoon »


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Re: New and cannot orient the PM UI
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2012, 08:14:33 PM »
So I've finally solved this.  You have to hold left click down on the playmaker editor tab in the top left of the window and drag onto the top of one of the active unity windows (not the top of the program, the top of one of the windows inside the program).

Likewise, this is how windows are arranging in the editor.  Once you have it set up, you can click on "wide" (or whatever the buttons says to the right of "layers") in the top right of your screen, and go down to "save layout."  This way you don't need to finagle with the editor every time you open unity.

I hope this information helps someone else in the future.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2012, 10:14:50 AM by teahousemoon »


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Re: [SOLVED] How to embed Playmaker editor in a Unity window (playmaker tab)
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2012, 02:47:43 AM »

 I am glad you have sorted it out

 Actually, I would actually recommand to name your new layout properly, "standard" really isn't telling much :)

 I have for example, layouts "PlayMaker double screen", "playMaker debug", "PlayMaker IOS", each of them with a specifica layout for the task I am currently working on.




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Re: [SOLVED] How to embed Playmaker editor in a Unity window (playmaker tab)
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2012, 10:14:10 AM »
Haha, whoops, I thought that "standard" was what the layout started as.

Yeah I labeled the layout as Playmaker Standard, not just standard.  I'm so happy to have finally figured this out; I spent way too much time staring at the fruit in the tree without having any idea how to reach it.


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It is worth underlining here how important it is not to have any errors occuring when opening the project. I had a project with some systemic errors ( caused by other assets ) and this was preventing Playmaker "appearing" in the menu. Solving the errors (basically commenting out the offending code) causes the project to then apply Playmaker correctly.