If you're seeing action loading errors in the build, but not the editor, it's usually because actions have changed since FSMs that used them were last saved. Those FSMs need to be re-saved.
This is because of a performance optimization in Playmaker that works like this:
When action data is loaded in the editor, it tries to maintain parameters in actions that have changed. E.g., fields that existed previously keep their values and new fields get default values. When you re-save this FSM the action data is then consistent with the current version of the action.
However, when action data is loaded in a standalone build, Playmaker does not perform these checks - it assumes the data has been saved with the most current version of the action.
So if you have old prefabs using old versions of the action, or rarely loaded scenes which were last saved with old versions of the action, then you might see these kinds of errors.
I'm thinking about a better way to handle this, but haven't thought of anything yet... I'll put a suggested fix in the error message at least... :/