
Author Topic: Set/Get Fsm Bool Issue[SOLVED]  (Read 3747 times)


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Set/Get Fsm Bool Issue[SOLVED]
« on: December 10, 2012, 09:32:30 AM »
I noticed there is a similar but not exact issue currently posted by Anykey in another topic, but I thought this was different enough to point out. Specifically, I am having an issue with the Set/Get Fsm Bool.  Neither the Set/Get Fsm Bool sends information about the bool to the specified game object and actually does not seem to fire off at all.  The issues seems to be that I cannot properly enter the Variable Name. The action allows me to identify the game object and identify the FSM name.  But the action won't let me choose the specific variable I want as the variable list comes up as "None" even though I have both local and global bools that should be available to choose.  I get an error but thought I found a workaround by using the string name of the variable I wanted. Writing in the name of the variable got rid of the error but it does not seem to be sending any data, as the debug logs show the action not firing as it should when I hit the Play button.  This seems to be the case for both the Set/Get versions of the action.

I am using Unity 4 and Playmaker version 1.4.4f3.  

Basically, I am trying to send the current status of a Global Variable Bool to another Fsm. Is there another way I can do this without using Get/Set?

Thank you for any help you can provide me!
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 08:54:41 AM by jeanfabre »


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Re: Set/Get Fsm Bool Issue
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2012, 05:15:30 AM »

 Just tested and it works. This is odd. Could you make a screencast? maybe you are doing one step differently and could reveal a bug.




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Re: Set/Get Fsm Bool Issue
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2012, 09:23:54 AM »
Hey Jean,

Thank you for responding.  I figured out the issue was my own stupidity and I had not set the local variable properly.  Chalk it up to Noobishness.  Thanks though for letting me know it was working that way I could realize the issue wasn't with Playmaker!