EDIT:I think I've found it:
My question was:
Why doesn't this action work whereas the Vector3LowPassFilter-action works perfectly?
My answer:
There's a bug in the code.
Here's a line of the Vector3LowPassFilter-action (working):
filteredVector.x = (vector3Variable.Value.x * filteringFactor.Value) + (filteredVector.x * (1.0f - filteringFactor.Value));
And here the respective line of the FloatLowPassFilter-action (not working):
filteredFloat = (floatVariable.Value * filteringFactor.Value) + (floatVariable.Value * (1.0f - filteringFactor.Value));
I think 'floatVariable.Value' after the '+'-operator has to be replaced with 'filteredFloat'.
So the code should be:
filteredFloat = (floatVariable.Value * filteringFactor.Value) + (filteredFloat * (1.0f - filteringFactor.Value));
Tried and...it works.
@Jean: If I'm not wrong with this diagnosis, the action should be updated.
END EDIT_________________
ORIGINAL POST:although this is an old topic I'd like to ask if anyone can explain why this action brings about completely different results compared to the Vector3LowPassFilter-action. The Vector3LowPassFilter-action does its job perfectly while this FloatLowPassFilter-action doesn't seem to have any effect.
Setup 1:
I store the acceleration of my mobile device (using Unity Remote) in a Vector3-Variable with the GetDeviceAcceleration-action, then use the Vector3LowPassFilter (filtering factor 0.1), then store the y-axis as a float using GetVector3XYZ, then update the pitch of a looped AudioSource with the SetAudioPitch-action using the float variable. 'Every Frame' is checked in all actions.
The natural sudden 'jumping' value changes of the device acceleration are filtered perfectly by the vector3 low pass filter resulting in smooth audio pitch changes. Fine! (without the filter the audio pitch seems to jump between float steps)
But now...
Setup 2:
Everything the same as in Setup 1, except there is no Vector3LowPassFilter before the GetVector3XYZ-action, but a FloatLowPassFilter after it (applied to the float of the Vector3's y-axis), with the same filtering factor. So one should assume there is a similar smoothing effect.
The float filter doesn't seem to have any effect. The changes of the devices accelerometer are not filtered, the audio pitch jumps between different steps - exactly the same as unfiltered.
If you look at the code of the two actions (Vector3LowPassFilter vs. FloatLowPassFilter), nothing seems to explain the different results. Correct me if I'm wrong.
EDIT: Well, there is something... 
I tried different filtering factors, I also tried changing the FloatLowPassFilter-action using a second Float Variable to store the filtered values and apply this new float to the audio pitch. Doesn't help.
I know this is a very special issue no-one might be interested in but can anyone reproduce and explain this strange difference?