Ive been messing around trying to setup a menu
and i have to say some things im finding very difficult and almost painful to use
the GUI is nice for quick prototyping but when you want to align things and setup something a little more in depth then 2 buttons and a banner we run into issues
The first being that all alignments are unfortunately percentages 0.0-1.0 from the top left corner
that's good to center things but if you want it to have a certain pixel offset it becomes a hindrance as it relies heavily on the users aspect ratio and what the game preview is at
> Ideally we should be able to setup a GUI from anchor points (horizontal, Vertical separate) as well as an overall percentage as alternative (current default)
Anchor points being left, center, and right, then top, middle, bottom
and from there, we have pixel offset, and then, it should have an option to scale inside a group to accommodate screen ratio's and sizes
would be nice if GUI textures had a pixel size and offset too *hint hint*