Each action has a help icon on its title bar on the left side, click on it and you will be redirected to the online documentation. If some actions lacks of help content, mention it on the forum, this will help Playmaker team focus.
Yes I know that, but it was not what i mean.
Its good to have a that help, but it dont show how to use it.
Thats a big different.
Every function ( I think
) is covered in the sample provided ( check the testlab folder in playmakerSamples folder). This is mandatory in my opinion that you allocate enough time to go through each examples and try to understand everything about them. They are simple enough to be digested and understood fairly quickly. Mess with them, break them, and rebuild them. if you bump into an example that you don't understand, don't be afraid to point it out and ask for more details on the forum.
Yes but its a pain in the ass to have reload the example when you sitting with your game development.
Thats why a online/pdf would be a great help.
Sure i do look at them and try them, but Im new on this so its not that simple.
And there is to few videos or example project here to show how things can be made.
But I do have a great idea, but I dont know if its doable or not.
That we all here make a game with playmaker that show action in a real game how it can be done.
That would be awesome and I think it would be a good way to spread playmaker even more.
Sure I understand that the people that has used it for long do understand all functions, but I new one like me its not that easy. So it would help all new with this alot.
There is an exit game in the package.
We can start with that and do expand it alot to show all function in playmaker.
Do a intro scene with animations and cool lights and a game menu system for the levels, highscore system....
I think you know the rest thats needed.
Maybe I dream to much, but i think playmaker should really show what it can do.
The example exit scene is kind of lame.
I am generally against screen casts, but since playmaker is such a visual tool, I think it makes sense to deliver as much tutorials and information that way.
Its a good way to do it so you can see it real time, but it dont work well when you sitting in your game and you need to know how something works. thats where a good example is the best way and its has to be written so you can studied it in detail.
It is indeed a mental shift to start using playmaker when you've always been a scripter.
Sure it is. Visual tools is always strange to use when you dont code it yourselves.
Dont get me wrong. I love visual tools, but you do loose some control and all things is not easy to do in the start compared to coding, where you have full control.
Right now I start making a 2.5D side scroller game just to learn things with playmaker and I think that is a good way to do it. Basically you know how the game flow is and how it will be in the end.
You only need to add things in the world and make playmaker do the work.
Sorry if this is little of-topic, but it still on how playmaker is and what can make it alot better.
Doing what I suggest here should generate more action in this forum, for its almost dead.