
Author Topic: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!  (Read 191507 times)


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #105 on: June 25, 2015, 08:23:04 AM »
Bienvenue :)

If you are indie and look for potential projects, I would suggest you share your portfolio, either in your account info or just here when you present yourself.




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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #106 on: February 09, 2016, 12:52:26 PM »
My name is Matthew, I'm an amateur board and card game designer with no coding experience.
It's been a dream to make a digital version of some ideas, but the idea of learning C# on my own was too much, even for the sort of low-graphics, 2d games that I prefer.
I'm thrilled with how easy and effective Playmaker is.  Simple to learn and intuitive.  I already am seeing some progress and I'm excited by the possibilities ahead.
Thank you to the Playmaker team.
The support forums are great!  Any questions or problems I've had have been resolved by searching the support forum and seeing that someone else had the same issue, or grabbing some custom actions.
If I ever make something for profit instead of just for friends and family, I'll feel like I owe you guys a royalty check!


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #107 on: May 28, 2016, 10:19:30 PM »
Hi everyone!

I'm a french 2D & 3D artist who use Playmaker since 2013. Two years ago, i made 3 apps with playmaker for my school project. The "wow effect" brought brought me a really good graduation result. Like a dictator result. Thanks to you guys!
I didn't finished something with playmaker since then because the lack of time. Because i don't have a job yet, i decided to make a small videogame. I'm the kind of guy who can go inside a cavern alone and find gold, but having fun with coworkers is better.
My goal is to finish this little game, release it and make tutorials on how it's possible to make a game alone with playmaker. Because, guys, what you created is awesome.

Have fun and work hard!

- Mehdi


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #108 on: October 08, 2016, 10:58:00 PM »
Hello to the PlayMaker community,

My name is Wahid Sabari. I'm self-working as a solo home game developer (besides the forest right now :P)...

I've change my focus to use Unity (and probably Defold, Construct 2 (my old main engine) and Fusion) as my main engine in my upcoming projects and I want to simplify my development with PlayMaker.

Check out my Facebook page and Twitter as well as Instagram;D


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #109 on: September 11, 2017, 08:01:42 AM »

Its a meee... Tekuji


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #110 on: September 15, 2017, 09:32:41 PM »
Hi Tekuji!
Welcome to the world of Playmaker and our forum :D


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #111 on: September 26, 2017, 08:51:04 PM »
Hi, I'm traphiclight. Recently started using Playmaker, and finally getting some things done after two or three tries ending in complete failures.

I'm Brazilian, have little programming skills (no C# skills), and I'm an aspiring game designer (Been making some small games since I was a kid with RPG Maker, and I've tried some other stuff as well).

Currently trying to use Playmaker to make as much of a game as possible.

Nice to meet you all!


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #112 on: September 26, 2017, 10:34:59 PM »
Welcome, you can find many tutorials on the User tutorial wiki page to get you started :)


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #113 on: October 20, 2017, 12:37:07 AM »
Hi everyone, I'm Aaron. I have been learning to code for about 10 months now. It started off with building a website, learning HTML, CSS, and JQuery/JavaScript. Then being a gamer decided to try making games as a hobby. So I been working with Unity and teaching myself more with C#. I am now starting to learn the basics of C++ to open more doors in gaming. I have decided to try visual scripting so here I am. I have a lot of questions that I hope can be answered.


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #114 on: October 20, 2017, 03:31:45 AM »
Welcome, feel free to ask anything on the forum :)

To get you started, you can find many tutorials on the user tutorial wiki page.

On the Ecosystem you can find many custom actions and samples.

And the api reference can be useful if you want to use scripting and playmaker together.

There is also a Discord channel and a Slack Channel


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #115 on: October 21, 2017, 06:53:51 AM »
Hello everyone, i am new here.


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #116 on: October 21, 2017, 05:45:32 PM »
Welcome, feel free to ask any questions on the forum :)


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #117 on: February 22, 2018, 09:32:31 PM »
Hi there all,

I am Tzian but most of my friends call me T.Z.  ;)

Being medically retired i am stuck at home a lot, so have a fair bit of time on my hands that i once did not.

So i am finally getting around to doing some things that i always wanted to do, but never had the time while juggling raising a family, working full time and all of the rest of real life.

Many times in the past i had wanted to try to learn coding to either mod or create a game, so that is where i started but now with my deteriorated health and old age creeping up on me  :o  i did start to feel a bit daunted and that i may have left it too late in life. 

Then i found Playmaker and hope is once again restored, that maybe one day i could make something, anything don't mind, a simple game that my and hubby can play together would be enough to tick that box on my bucket list, if i manage more then that is just bonus  ;D

So yeah just starting out, no doubt i will be mooching around here looking for tips and tricks to help me along.

Cya all soon :D


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #118 on: February 23, 2018, 02:25:54 AM »
Hi T.Z.


1st of all i would like to say that you are never to old to learn :)

i started about 5-6 years ago to learn c# (banging my head to the wall)
Then i met playmaker.

After playing around with playmaker for a while i started to look into the action scripts how they work.
and started to write my own action.

Now i can code good in both c# (mostly for editor scripts) and playmaker.
And getting closer to do this full time.

A good way to start is to make some simple projects.
follow some tutorial series, even it is nothing like to game you are planning to build.
Many people start immediately with the game that they have in mind and crashing into walls due to lack of basic knowledge.

A good place to look for tutorials is on the user tutorial wiki page

Enjoy using Playmaker!


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #119 on: February 23, 2018, 09:23:40 AM »
Thank you for the warm welcome djaydino, i forsee myself spending a lot of time in the wiki and tutorials :D