Thanks Jean!
Thought I might have got a bit carried away with the colour coding, glad it was still legible!
The cursor is a small white sphere with a trail renderer attached, it's updated with the following script which I just grabbed from strict
var distanceFromCamera : float = 10;
function Start () {
function Update () {
var screenPoint : Vector3 = Input.mousePosition;
screenPoint.z = distanceFromCamera; //distance of the plane from the camera
transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPoint);
It's not a perfect solution, at the moment I have to manually correct the size of the cursor if I change the field of view of the camera, which is a bit annoying, but it woks for the most part.
There's no demo as yet, I'm hoping to get something playable in the next couple of months though. I'll be using Playmaker in conjunction with 2DToolkit and EasySave2 for pretty much everything, working on the UI and inventory system in the next few weeks so I'll post a similar write up for them when I'm done.
Thanks again Jean!
(Also, thanks for all the stuff you do around here, there's no way I could be making a game without Playmaker and all the help and support in this forum!)