
Author Topic: In App Purchasing BB plugin  (Read 34891 times)


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In App Purchasing BB plugin
« on: September 27, 2013, 06:03:12 AM »
Slowly working my way through this plugin, I'm always a bit hazy when using C#. Has anyone used this plugin successfully and have any tips or pointers?

Specifically, as I've never touched the area of In App Purchasing before, I'm puzzled as to how it works at purchase point:
 I upload my signed BB app. I wish to add a Non-Consumable Digital Goods item.
So I add this as a Digital Goods SKU (called i.e UnlockAll). This is purchased...then I'm unsure.

I have a simple variable in my Unity app that is set to unlock all levels, how do I set this from the separate, purchased UnlockAll and thus unlock the entire app?


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Re: In App Purchasing BB plugin
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2013, 02:03:27 AM »
Hi, you might get a little help in the unity blackberry forum.  I can say that you need to initiate a listener, only a simple line of code. Then create a function of the same name something like purchaseSuccessful.  This is where you change your logic to unlock the game.  Refer to their listener test code in the demo scene.


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Re: In App Purchasing BB plugin
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2013, 02:06:48 AM »

 BB got back to me, so it looks like I am going to be productive soon!




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Re: In App Purchasing BB plugin
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2013, 05:20:55 PM »
Good news Jean! Hope you get it soon.

@refinedgames, I bought the Unity BB iap plugin from Reign and i'm working my way through that. It's a great bit of code with a few extras like image load/save on devices and Ads integration and more.
My c# is not great, need to get some callbacks working for the IAP in particular.


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Re: In App Purchasing BB plugin
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2013, 06:49:23 PM »
That's good to hear.  I may try Reign's plugin for Ads.
Yes, unless you or someone makes Playmaker Actions for BB IAP you will need to code.  I can help a little here and there.  I used the Blackberry's plugin and have my game for sale on BB World.


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Re: In App Purchasing BB plugin
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2013, 03:52:03 AM »
Thanks for the offer of help, I'd appreciate it. I can heartily recommend Reigns plugs, the authors very good with feedback. I asked about the Image Save/Load function of the plugin and how it could work with screenshots and he got straight back to me, he's even implemented a screen snapshot feature for the impending update. It's great when you find this level of support.

Whats your BB game and how are you finding the BB market as a whole?


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Re: In App Purchasing BB plugin
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2013, 04:19:50 PM »
I will give Reign a try on the next update.  Game is Cross Court Tennis 2, just approved this week.  Downloads and purchases are good so far and discovery is better I think from less competition. 

I coded in Unity Script to use the BB plugin for In app purchase.  I'm still migrating to C#, to get the game on Windows 8 Phone.  I'm new at C# sadly.


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Re: In App Purchasing BB plugin
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2014, 04:32:11 PM »
I found this post and talk of BB10 Ads from a while ago and wanted to update those who may have tried the Ads and failed.  I'm the author of the BB10 Reign plugin and would like to update you on a fix to get the BB10 live Ads working.

You simply need to set your ZoneID Width and Height values to what you use in your game.  More docs here:

Scroll to the bottom of the doc page.