I am trying to use the tweenalpha script packaged with NGUI.
I got it working once but I can't find a way to start it over.
For example, When I instance the NGUI Sprite, the tweenalpha will run automatically, so my sprite will fade in, but I can't make it fade out, and then fade in again on command when needed.
I tried to use set property with some of the property, but I can't find a property "Play" for example, and when using the "Enabled" property it will just pop without animation.
I need also to access the OnFinished event but for now it will take only a script.
Could you make a custom action for this one, or provide any help with it, Maybe there are just other ways to animate the opacity of an ngui object.
I really need to be able to play the tween on demand, set To and From and catch the finished event.
Thank you