Isn't it what it's doing? or do you mean that I should not store into bool first thing?
This syntax should be checked first isApplicationGenuineAvailable.
If that is true then it should check isApplicationGenuine.
It's doing this. the first if statement check for isApplicationGenuineAvailable, if true procesed with isApplicationGenuine
Or I am still missing the point 
If you only check isApplicationGenuine then you can get an error if its not used.
Is it a bug? cause the documentation seems to say that isApplicationGenuine simply returns false wether it's actually available or not.
I have put the sample from the custom action where I do the check bellow:
if (iPhoneUtils.isApplicationGenuineAvailable ){
if (iPhoneUtils.isApplicationGenuine){
so first, I check if genuine test is available and then I perform the test.
I don't think you do need two actions for this since with this custom action, you can route all possible way out of it I think.
Also, How do you actually manage to verify this action actually? Do you have some steps to be able to touch the code so that it triggers false for isApplicationGenuineAvailable and isApplicationGenuine?
Maybe i did not read it to good, but there was not much info in the playmaker either.
if it first check isApplicationGenuineAvailable is true then check isApplicationGenuine if that true or false before it do any event then it work with one action.
isApplicationGenuine do return false if its not genuine, but also if isApplicationGenuineAvailable is false.
Thats why you need to check isApplicationGenuineAvailable first and if that false you dont need to check isApplicationGenuine for you know that will always be false.
So if isApplicationGenuineAvailable is fase the only even it shuld do is that is not validated.
Maybe you did that already. but it was not so clear when i was in playmaker and i needed to be sure it works like it should.
isApplicationGenuineAvailable = true
if isApplicationGenuine = true
then event(run your game)
Else event( run a info page)
event(not validated)
But it might like you do that already. I just need to be sure.. :-)