
Author Topic: Google Play Services  (Read 44268 times)


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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2014, 01:34:39 PM »
Thanks for the work around! This will save me a lot of time in finding the bug! I have a AdMob android issue I have to fix tonight so hopefully I will have time to fix this up as well :)

Good research!

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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2014, 06:09:02 PM »
Please refer to reply #13 on page 1 - in addition to those notified bugs I failed to notice that the leaderboards are also not sorted in order according to the ordering established in Google developer console. You'll see in the image in that post the they are listed > easy, hard, medium.

So it's both leaderboards and achievements are not being sorted in order in iOS. on Android they are in the correct order.

To recap the bugs I've found are listed below - I hope this helps you patch these bugs. And I do hope you can update me on fixing these as my game is nearing completion. Please let me know timescale as otherwise I might need to get a refund and look at one of the other options. Hopefully not as other than these issues your plugin is doing the job!

1. iOS only - the incorrectly drawn title box on Google Play panels. (and/or status bar showing) - not the highest priority problem for me although doesn't look great so if it can be fixed great.

2. Android only - no 'welcome back' on sign in after closing app from multitasking and reopening (where sign in is automatic) - edit to this one. I have noticed if the app is just closed but stays active in b/g then after a long delay and returning to game you do get a 'Welcome {name}' box.

3. Android only - the no leaderboards/achievements working on 1st (and every other) sign in. Although works with my double-sign-in work around. (thought - maybe the double sign in trick will fix (2) as well? will check. edit: checked this, it doesn't work)

4. iOS only - the achievement slide up panel has a transparent background(border) which turns black after completing slide up. This looks wrong and is not same as leaderboard slide up which has solid grey b/g as expected.

5. iOS only - unordered lists of leaderboards and achievements. i.e. not according to the sort order given in the google console. (1/5, 2/5 etc...)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 06:56:02 PM by applaud »


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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2014, 06:40:55 PM »
I will look into the bugs tomorrow night. If I do not have it done by then I will issue you a refund. I will need to check my paypal balance but I may also be able to refund you tonight if I am able. Did you purchase through Unity or the website?
I am not 100% sure I can fix all of those as I may need to modify the actual sdk.

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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2014, 06:47:41 PM »
Hi. I would rather continue using it than get a refund, don't get me wrong. I think it's great so far.

If you can fix bugs 2 and 5 from my list, over the weekend, I would be a very happy bunny :)

The others are glitchy things that don't stop it working, or I've found a work-around. So they can be fixed in an update to my game if you can't address them all in the next few weeks.


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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2014, 07:27:22 PM »
I will do my best! I will have a lot of time on the weekend just hard when im already coding as a full time job! Sorry for all the trouble, definitely should not have to deal with this. I rushed these last 2 assets as I was in a hurry. It will not happen again and I will be happy to refund you if needed.

 I may have to modify the Google SDK. Which is fine but you may have to switch your download to my modified package instead.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 07:33:58 PM by Marsh »

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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2014, 03:04:12 PM »
Hi. I know you're busy on those bugs but when you get a chance can you explain the save to cloud and load from cloud action. At the moment I'm trying to 'load' an integer when the game loads. It hasn't been saved yet so should cause an error and my playmaker flow deals with that. However the load action is causing a crash in that no further actions happen.

I read the Google documentation on cloud saves and loads and understand slots but what I read was that a slot can hold lots of data and it should all be saved every time. you can't add or update one element, you have to save the whole block of data to the slot every time. Do your actions deal with that?

e.g. if i want to save 3 integers in slot 0 can I call 3 save to cloud actions or how do i do just one for the data set ?

And then when I load and it contains a data set how does that get distributed to various local attributes?

I'm confused but probably just not getting it. Thanks.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 03:05:55 PM by applaud »


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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2014, 12:53:20 AM »
Hi. I know you're busy on those bugs but when you get a chance can you explain the save to cloud and load from cloud action. At the moment I'm trying to 'load' an integer when the game loads. It hasn't been saved yet so should cause an error and my playmaker flow deals with that. However the load action is causing a crash in that no further actions happen.

I read the Google documentation on cloud saves and loads and understand slots but what I read was that a slot can hold lots of data and it should all be saved every time. you can't add or update one element, you have to save the whole block of data to the slot every time. Do your actions deal with that?

e.g. if i want to save 3 integers in slot 0 can I call 3 save to cloud actions or how do i do just one for the data set ?

And then when I load and it contains a data set how does that get distributed to various local attributes?

I'm confused but probably just not getting it. Thanks.

I will add the load without save to the bug list that I am solving tomorrow (today if your in my timezone). There is currently no way to save multiple variables to one slot but I could add that if you want it, not a big deal.

The data loads it back into the variable provided. If you wanted to provide say 3 ints you would pass a array of 3 ints (in the new action I would make). Then you would load with a array of ints that it would load the data into.

I can explain this more when I actually make it as this may change.

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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2014, 11:27:36 AM »
I only need to save 3 int attributes in this particular game so I could use 3 slots, one attribute a piece. So don't worry about the array save on my account....although in future maybe.

But yeah I need to load on startup before any save has happened so look forward to that bug being fixed along with the others.

Hope its going ok....look forward to your next post :) I'm in the UK btw so a different time zone to you I suspect.


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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2014, 11:48:05 AM »
Ok I am starting right now! Wish me luck!


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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2014, 01:17:29 PM »
Couple quick things Applaud if your around.

Are you using the latest iOS version on your device?
When did you download the google SDK it was updated about 3 weeks ago. Do you have the new version?


- Load cloud before save does not allow more actions fixed
- Some try catches added to call finishes if errors occur
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 01:28:14 PM by Marsh »

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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2014, 01:27:39 PM »
Yes I'm around if you have any more questions.

iOS version 7 and I downloaded the google SDK the day I bought your asset which was just 5 days ago so hopefully the latest. The folder says it's google-plus-ios-sdk-1.5.0


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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2014, 01:33:21 PM »
Do you have skype or something I can chat to you on?

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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2014, 01:40:20 PM »
I've PM'ed you


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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2014, 03:39:06 PM »
Small Update if anyone has this plugin:

New Action - Enables you to get the Users Name and ID:

Load Cloud bug fix:

I am trying to contact the author of the plugin about the other bugs.


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Re: Google Play Services
« Reply #29 on: March 09, 2014, 05:24:28 PM »
1. iOS only - the incorrectly drawn title box on Google Play panels. (and/or status bar showing) - not the highest priority problem for me although doesn't look great so if it can be fixed great.

2. Android only - no 'welcome back' on sign in after closing app from multitasking and reopening (where sign in is automatic) - edit to this one. I have noticed if the app is just closed but stays active in b/g then after a long delay and returning to game you do get a 'Welcome {name}' box.

3. iOS only - the achievement slide up panel has a transparent background(border) which turns black after completing slide up. This looks wrong and is not same as leaderboard slide up which has solid grey b/g as expected.

4. iOS only - unordered lists of leaderboards and achievements. i.e. not according to the sort order given in the google console. (1/5, 2/5 etc...)

From the developer of Google Play:

Thanks for the feedback! Items 1 and 3 are an issue with the iOS SDK and not the plug-in itself, and should be addressed in the next release of the library.

I've seen some issues with item 4 and leaderboard ordering on iOS. I would check about achievements, tough. Those usually are in the right order, but we primarily sort by achievement status (unlocked, recently updated, locked) and then by sort order. So you might just be seeing that messing up your sort order. (This is especially true if you're using the default achievement icons and can't tell if they've been unlocked or not.)