OK, let's do this raycast thing all the way

What we will achieve now? A proper use of raycast hit info so that we can place a gameObject at the hit position and oriented properly.
What you need:
I have created a simpler version of raycast available here. you will need it for this example, or else you can use rayCast, that will work just fine too ( only more "difficult" to set up)
http://hutonggames.com/playmakerforum/index.php?topic=900.0The scene:
1: create one gameObject acting as the rayCast fire source ( called "laser" )
2: create a sphere acting as the object being hit ( called "target")
3: WARNING: orient the "laser" z axis to point to the "target"
4: create a cube ( called ("hit result") that we will position and orient based on the "laser" hit on the "target"
WARNING: The "hit result" game Object must not be hit by the raycast!!! so select the cube and set is layer to "ignore raycast"
The playmaker fsm
1: select the "laser" and add a fsm to it
2: create three fsm Vector 3 variable: "hit point", "hit normal", and "look at target"
3: in the start state, add a "Raycast from gameObject" action
-- set its Repeat interval to 0 ( we only want to fire once), if you want to fire multiple times, simply call that state again)
4: add a "Get RayCast Hit info" action
-- store the Hit point in the fsm variable "hit point"
-- store the Normal in the fsm variable "hit normal"
5: add a "set position" action
-- specify the GameObject and point to "hit result"
-- set the Vector to "Hit plane"
6: add a "vector3 Operator" action
-- set Vector 1 to "hit point"
-- set Vector 2 to "hit normal"
-- Store the result in the fsm variable "Look at target"
7: add a "look At" action
-- Specify the game Object and point to "hit result"
-- set the target position to "Look at target"
-- uncheck "Keep vertical"
And done. Run and you will see the "hit result" being positionned at the hit position and oriented properly based on the hit normal.
I can see that for beginners this might be too much for a "simple task", maybe the raycast action should actually provide directly the hit position and normal or even actually accept a gameObject that would be positionned and oriented for you. The other pitfall is to want the raycast to work "every frame", that requires some set up to do so as well). if I have time int he next few days, I'll do such action.