
Author Topic: UFE Actions?  (Read 3458 times)


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UFE Actions?
« on: August 09, 2014, 01:28:11 AM »
What's up everyone I'm new here and was recommended here by Alex Chouls which was quite a nice suggestion. Anyway Alex stated he looked into UFE and thought is was awesome and it truly is. It would be wonderful if someone were to make custom actions for Playmaker to be used in conjunction with UFE. The guy who made UFE stated it's possible to integrate Playmaker support for UFE. If someone here can make this happen that will save not only UFE users but also the guy called MisterMind who created UFE a lot of work and stress. Again nice to join this community and I look forward to see all of your inputs! Cheers!


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Re: UFE Actions?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2014, 10:03:54 AM »

 Very interesting indeed.

I created a trello task to record people interests, so don't forget to upvote if you want this!




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Re: UFE Actions?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2014, 06:02:06 PM »
 ;D Awesome thanks Jean! I just voted and subscribed to the UFE wishlist. UFE could really use this for it's pretty hard to modify and program in it because of it's structure.