
Author Topic: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!  (Read 72534 times)


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2012, 04:32:23 PM »
>When is your estimated time of release for that series?

I'd "like" to release it in two or three weeks, but it depends what else comes up between now and then.  You know how that goes.  :)

Thanks for the drag example.  Something like that would be a good one to use.  Quick question on that... do you want the object to ever stop on it's own after dragging, or keep on going forever (or until collision, etc)?


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2012, 05:35:15 PM »

Thanks so much for this new series. Really enjoyable.

I'd "like" to release it in two or three weeks, but it depends what else comes up between now and then.  You know how that goes.  :)

That`s really good news. Regarding this future iOS series you plan next:
1. Is it something specific to iOS regarding Playmaker?
2. Do you think that using the FingersGestures actions (even as they are posted in this thread: ) might help? If you ask me it will be a definitively yes. Maybe you can talk with the developer and he might be interested to have his product covered in this iOS series. 
3. Even if there is a PlayMaker video series, are you going to cover, even briefly, some specific iOS developing and publishing issues?
4. How different are the mobile platforms, iOS and Android? (maybe a bit off the topic here :) )

Thanks for the drag example.  Something like that would be a good one to use.  Quick question on that... do you want the object to ever stop on it's own after dragging, or keep on going forever (or until collision, etc)?

Or maybe different scenarios to stop the movement: like a spring behavior, or a trigger, or maybe some physics (mass, force, speed related actions)?

When I follow video tutorials, I feel the need to make a few brief notes about the new things I find important, you know, like a short list with the main steps. Maybe such a list/steps to follow after every small chapter in a video will help the viewer to pin down/memorize the content he just followed.

Thanks again. I didn`t finished them yet, but that`s not a problem. :)



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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2012, 04:05:13 AM »
Quick question on that... do you want the object to ever stop on it's own after dragging, or keep on going forever (or until collision, etc)?

In my case, I want the gravity to stop it eventually. Think of it as an air hockey game.
Right now, I am getting the position of the touch input, and simply setting the position of the object to that position. The problem with that, is that it seems to ignore all physics when I drag it, allowing me to drag it through the borders.

So now I'm trying to apply force in the direction of the drag instead, but that is not that simple either.. :(


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2012, 11:41:18 AM »
Really looking forward to the IOS series. Then all the rest of your hard work and great tuts can fall into place.  Can't tell you how important taking Playmaker into the mobile realm seems like a great idea.  Having the tuts will be a huge help!



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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2012, 12:01:16 PM »
Great to hear that, brendang, thanks!  Then you will be happy to know I'm working on them now.  :)


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2012, 02:55:12 PM »
Awesome... Hope all is coming along well.  Looking forward to scooping your mobile lessons up!



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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2012, 07:43:29 AM »
Any update on the IOS tuts?


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2012, 12:42:51 PM »
Thanks for the interest!  I got sidetracked by some other work last week, but will be getting the bulk of them knocked out this week.  :)


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #38 on: March 20, 2012, 11:59:55 PM »
Thanks for the interest!  I got sidetracked by some other work last week, but will be getting the bulk of them knocked out this week.  :)

Thanks so much.. I know you have a ton to do. But this is so tremendously important to IOS centric devs. The effort is hugely appreciated.


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2012, 12:28:03 PM »
ive sent you an email but i thought id follow through with this post,i bought both tutorials and they are very good,im really struggling with a text manager,and how a button manager text manager and quest manager all communicate,could i please have the scene called i can see for myself exactly how they all work.

thank you


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2012, 05:08:22 PM »
Thanks for the interest!  I got sidetracked by some other work last week, but will be getting the bulk of them knocked out this week.  :)

Seriously, just take my money now... because if it is even a tenth as good as your first set of tutorials, I'm buyin it!  ;D


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2012, 05:12:45 PM »
LOL!  Thanks, MyFault!

@ gamedivision / I've got it in my queue to look into sharing out the files... working my way through everything as fast as I can right now.  Will let you know.


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2012, 10:47:52 AM »
really just want to say how invaluable your tutorials are,im a customer for life or until i learn the program whichever comes first.
thanks and im looking forward to that scene file

LOL!  Thanks, MyFault!

@ gamedivision / I've got it in my queue to look into sharing out the files... working my way through everything as fast as I can right now.  Will let you know.


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #43 on: April 03, 2012, 02:19:19 AM »
really, really looking forward to learning android and playmaker!!! cant wait for these vids to come out:)


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #44 on: April 12, 2012, 12:23:39 AM »
Any news on the file sharing? I think it would be a great help to actually have the FSMs in front of me whilst I'm re-watching the videos. The videos themselvs are great but when I need to look for a specific thing that you are demonstrating it can be difficult to find the exact video and where it is on that video, the files would help wih this.