
Author Topic: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!  (Read 79219 times)


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #75 on: May 24, 2012, 03:40:36 AM »

 ok, none of this can work properly:

First question: Where did you get this package? is it you that created this scene from scratch?


When you create a package ( if you actually created that package) with playmaker, you need to first export the globals, else it will be broken.

So here are the step to properly package a scene with playmaker

1: click on the menu "Playmaker->tools->Export globals"
2: select the scene, AND the "playmakerGlobals_EXPORTED" asset ( that was created with step 1)
3: click on the menu "Assets->create package"
4: remove the playmaker dll
5: proceed

 When you import such package:
1: select "playmakerGlobals_EXPORTED"
2: click on the menu "Playmaker->tools->Import globals" ( you can delete that asset when it's done)

so, can you give us again the package with the exported asset, then I'll be able to see better what could go wrong.




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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #76 on: May 25, 2012, 08:39:48 AM »
Hi Jean,

1: click on the menu "Playmaker->tools->Export globals

There's no option for this, only 'custom action wizard' and 'load all playmaker prefabs in project' it says my
version is 1.3.2 I'll see if it's in the new one.

Bye, Terry


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #77 on: May 25, 2012, 09:24:52 AM »
K, the new 1.41 has that export globals, I reuploaded as directed, got this error though

Failed to remove asset meta data because some of its object's were still loaded!


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #78 on: June 08, 2012, 12:49:41 PM »
Hey, I have a question about this tutorial 12 - Connecting Scripts to Playmaker

At the start of the script that talks to an FSM, where you're declaring the variables.  What is the proper way to recreate this in C#?

var RandNumFSM : PlayMakerFSM;
RandNumFSM =  gameObject.Find("GUIText_RandNum").GetComponent.<PlayMakerFSM>();


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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #79 on: July 14, 2012, 07:52:11 PM »
Hi there,

Thanks for some great tutorials.

I got stuck on no 5-breakable objects.

I followed the video 8 times from scratch now and still it won't work. Does anyone have a "scene" on this one? I just don´t get what I do wrong all the time. :) The coin refuse to go away.




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Re: New Playmaker Video Tutorial Series!
« Reply #81 on: November 21, 2012, 07:58:33 AM »
I'm simply a beginner trying to learn.

In the video 05 - Breakable Objects, why do you look for the parent object, save the value in a variable an the use it to destroy when you can simply drag the parent object in order to destroy it?

This is how I've set it up and it's working as specked:

Same thing happen in video 07 - Global Variables, Events and Managers - Health Pickup

•   I could simply drag my health_manager game object instead of use a global variable.
•   I could write Event name and not use a global event

•   In order to delete the object, I can drag the game object instead of Get Parent, and use the variable.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 11:13:50 AM by magarcan »