I'm a little miffed that a, you can't be bothered to communicate with your customers
I'm sorry you felt frustrated enough to air your grievance on this public forum, but since you did I will reply. I only ask that we resolve any further matters offline so as not to ruin this otherwise very friendly and informative thread for everyone else.
I do communicate with customers and viewers daily, and spend a lot of time answering questions, taking suggestions, and thanking them for kind feedback. I am sorry you are unhappy. In our emails I have offered to help with your problem. You have refused that help and instead have been demanding that I send you new content.
when you sign an agreement with someone you cant include the tutorials that have already been on sale without prior concent for the people that have already payed for them
You are operating under a misunderstanding of how commerce works. When you purchase something it doesn't give you legal rights to control that content in any way, only to use and benefit from it. Paying customers benefitted from the content months before anyone else did, and get to keep hi-res versions of the video files. Publishing the earlier tutorials for free is part of an arrangement that guarantees that everyone gets not only series 3 for free, but also all further content I make from this point on! It's a great deal for everyone, and will get a lot more video content produced than would have been before. I'm not negating the value of previous content, I'm adding what I feel is a tremendous amount of new content. For everyone. For free.
I've been asking for the scene files for over 2 months now and still you haven't replied
It's not fair to say I haven't replied. I just haven't replied in the way you have been wanting.
The scene files were not part of the original packages. That was made clear before the point of purchase. I have had a few people ask for them though, including yourself, so I made sure to produce Series 3 with a downloadable file, complete with assets and scenes for each example in the videos. Every FSM state has been commented, for even more explanation of their workings. That file is available right now at:
http://www.hutonggames.com/tutorials_ios_fundamentals.phpBecause Series 1 and 2 were produced in an "as you watch" style instead of the "guided tour" style of series 3, there are not project files to share that would match the videos exactly or make sense to the user. To generate them would require a lot of extra time, and I instead decided to spend that time on developing the new iOS series (and general business activities that must be engaged in).
gamedivision, please, if you want help with parts of the tutorials just email me and I will help! But I can't guarantee that I will produce new content for you on demand.