I have a specific need, and was wondering if ArrayMaker can help (before I try to wrap my head around how to use it).
I have a very large excel file with different names of famous sport players, organised by sport fields. Each column header is the sport field (e.g. basketball, baseball etc), and under it are all the names of the players from that field.
I need to:
* Get this database into the game
* Upon request, create a new list of, lets say, 40 names (from the entire database)
* The names have to be chosen randomly, and I want to control how many are taken from each sport field (e.g. 10 names from basketball, 12 from soccer etc).
* Display the 40 names from the new list, in a random order (one after the other - WITHOUT repeating the same name twice)
* Preform the last step any number of times (each time with a different random order)
Is this something I will be able to achieve using ArrayMakers functionality?
If not, can anyone point me in the direction of an alternative solution?