
Author Topic: "Super Character Controller" variations of Character Controller actions  (Read 7980 times)


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There's a chance you all have seen a "Super Mario 64 HD" Unity demo making the rounds, showing off a rather impressive Unity remake of Mario's gameplay from Super Mario 64. It also actually serves as a demonstration of a Super Character Controller script by Erik Roystan Ross, made to make up for the downsides of Unity's built-in Character Controller.

Is there any chance someone could make a series of actions at least replicating the existing Character Controller set, or ones making full use of the Super Character Controller's features?

Alternatively, at least help someone like me who struggles at reading scripts, and provide tips on how one could make use of it via those Get Property/Set Proprety/etc actions?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 01:31:07 AM by DinnerSonic »


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 the link is down, can you double check your source?




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That's strange, while the Mario 64 demo was taken down, the controller link on the blog seems to be working perfectly for me?


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Ok, I can access it now.

 But that is a huge framework, and it would take a serious effort to port this to PlayMaker or extract some of it, it's simply way too much code to actually replicate even a single feature because it depends on custom tools and scripts, so you are looking at a very impressive framework, not just a single script.

 Instead I woud treat this as a package and use it as is, and if you need to control some of its feature with PlayMaker, create the related custom actions for this. this will be a lot more efficient, and you'll benefit from the evolution of this system as well.

That, I'll be willing to help you with. And you should also contact the author to see if he would be willing to create custom actions to work with this superController.




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Re: "Super Character Controller" variations of Character Controller actions
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2015, 12:42:18 AM »
Last time I contacted the author, I didn't have much luck, think my request got drowned out. I also generally suck at C# still, so I wasn't able to do much myself so far... however, I have managed to figure out enough to control the SuperCharacterController with PlayMaker in a cheap way: If I set the key values to public, PlayMaker can set them with Set Property!

That, in fact, was basically what I wanted, which I might have explained poorly. I wanted to have similar features to what's listed under "Character" in PlayMaker such as grounding checks and collision flags, but instead modifying the properties of the Super Character Controller script. I didn't actually mean recreate the entire script as a PlayMaker script, just knockoffs of the built in Character Controller actions that modify the Super Character Controller instead.

Anyhow, I basically got what I wanted handled in a weird way messing with it recently, but if it's possible for you to whip up some custom actions that could let me move it, check collisions, and so on, that'd be really cool!