
Author Topic: UIHint.Angle  (Read 3081 times)


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« on: February 09, 2012, 02:27:58 AM »

 As I write a custom action to use rotateAround, I realize that it could be interesting to specify an float or an int as an "angle" within the action interface: UIHint.Angle or something

 We would then be able to have convenient features such as:

-- degree or radian check box
-- constraint to 360 ( so that if the value is 370 degrees, it will result in 10 degree)

going further ( while I am here...) it would be good also to define this for when we want to get the results. The user for example might want to know the angle in radian, not in degrees, so I guess it could be possible to define a "UIHINT.GetAngle" or something that would allow actions to know what the user wants in a convenient manner ( without cluttering the set of public variables). This is merely for convenience anyway since all of this is perfectly possible with the current set of actions, it just requires some extra steps.

This would also be a very good uihint for a future small project I'd like to get on with soon: custom actions to cover trigonometric field and geometric equations to find intersections etc ( circle-circle, line circle, tangent, piston-crankshaft mechanism, etc etc).

So much to do...

