Yup, that was a mistake on my part.
In the original actions the GameObjects in the scene got searched by tag with the function "GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag()", which requires a tag to be specified and doesn't seem to allow the 'Untagged'-tag.
Since I naively assumed that it would just work to set the 'Untagged'-tag by default and only tested both actions with a specific tag, I didn't think 'Untagged' would cause any trouble.
I fixed this problem, which means you'd need to re-download the actions from the Ecosystem. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I also re-worked both actions to not only allow to filter by 'Untagged'-GameObjects but also made that tag filter completely optional, meaning you now can set the tag to 'None' and it ignores that tag filter, resulting in listing every GameObject regardless of the tag. The layer-filter is unaffected and can be used in conjunction with the tag-layer to narrow down, which GameObjects to capture.
Additionally, I implemented an error check when the collider target wasn't set and that when toggling the tag from 'None' to the tag-list it shows 'Untagged' instead of an empty entry (uses OnGUI so it might not always do that, but that would be just a minor inconvenience if not).
P.S.: If anyone is interested to know how any of these actions work (for clarity or performance reasons), here a short rundown:
- the action searches for each active GameObject in the scene (dudebxl's versions directly by tag, which is slightly more performant but forces you to define a tag, while mine search for any Object of type GameObject; in either case these actions should be repeated/used as scarcely as possible to reduce that overhead of constantly going through all GameObjects in the scene);
- it checks for each found GameObject if it matches the specified tag and layer;
- skips any GameObject that doesn't contain an appropriate collider component;
- gets the bounds of each collider, sees if it intersects the bounds of the user-defined collider and only lists the GameObjects that match all these criteria