
Author Topic: Playmaker 2.0  (Read 61147 times)


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #75 on: January 27, 2021, 01:15:53 PM »
I'm just saying Hi, and rooting for PlayMaker. It's changed my life, literally.

Here's a big round of applause for the PlayMaker team, and all the dudes on this forum who support us, and make great Actions. Huge respect to you all.


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #76 on: January 27, 2021, 03:23:45 PM »
PM is a solution that artists need.
It's a pity, management at unity doesn't understand the importance of visual programming, they made DOT based visual scripting with awkward experience. then they bought BOLT which is more anfractuous than C#.
Alex should buy the Unity's Company and fix it.


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #77 on: February 22, 2021, 02:53:55 AM »
I think Playmaker is fantastic as well. Seriously such an amazing tool.

The actions and the way it's set up is so good and I think a lot of people don't understand or get that Playmaker is different to something like Blueprints or Bolt.

People constantly speak about Visual Coding is worse than code as it's slower, messier and difficult to debug etc.   Yeah maybe that holds true for something like Blueprints and Bolt, but not PlayMaker.
The whole visual code abstracting everything from C# maybe makes sense for a coder but then you may as well code. The only difference is syntax essentially.

Playmaker is truly what artists and designers need to bring games to life.

Unity missed the boat by adding Bolt and not Playmaker, but I somehow think Alex is happy with that outcome. This means he can continue to sell Playmaker 2.0 - the community that loves Playmaker are not going anywhere imho and the droves of people I see online that is trying Bolt and still finding it not a good solution for them, will eventually find PlayMaker.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2021, 05:37:02 AM by Omninorm »


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #78 on: February 22, 2021, 08:47:40 AM »
True, Playmaker works different compared to many other visual scripting tools.

Which is also the reason that unity chose to go for bolt and not playmaker.

Playmaker needs a lot more support than bolt as 3rd party assets can work out of the box.
But the B-side is that its less user friendly for non coders and is slower than playmaker (due to reflection)

Also for coders Playmaker is more interesting that other visual scripting tools as well.
As you can make your own 'custom actions' which can be virtually anything from a simple 'int add' (for example) to a whole parallax system and more.

Broken Stylus

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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #79 on: February 22, 2021, 10:26:36 AM »
This being said, for newcomers it is important to understand that new actions need to be text coded.
The best way to do that is to watch a few videos about coding, such as Unity's series and a few other ones that might be specific to one's own requirements. Even if one doesn't understand the coding syntax, the tutorial should still be clear enough as to explain what is going on in the code.
Then, assuming you want to do something not too complicated, find the already existing PM actions that seem to do things similar to what you want and copy their code for further modifications into your own new actions.
Then, look at Unity's official scripting manual to see how you can talk to Unity in C# and also collect or set certain value types and transform that into Playmaker-friendly code.


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #80 on: May 20, 2021, 05:23:14 PM »
Personally i would not mind if 2.0 is not backward compatible.

I think most important should be the usability.

For example, currently if you make fsms with many states things start to slow down (due to unity limitations)

or if you have a object with many fsms and the are expanded in the inspector
this can also slow down (again due to unity limitations)

so if there is a different way that would be improving this issue but would not be able to be backward compatible, i would definitely choose for not backward compatible.

But it would also mean that Playmaker 1 should be continued supported at least for  a year or 2.

agree so much. Seriously!

Adam Z

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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #81 on: June 10, 2021, 03:56:47 PM »
+1 for PM2.


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #82 on: September 21, 2021, 07:12:10 PM »
Any plans to fix this Non-useful UI?

Maybe adding a searchbar (like how we search actions) so we find the type of Object variable easier?

It is like a nightmare browsing exactly what I am looking for in this mess.


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #83 on: September 22, 2021, 05:30:44 AM »
That's a part of unity, so i think you need to ask to them :D

Animation/animator search is even worse when you have lost of animations.
(we use sprite based animation and have a lot animations  :o :o )


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #84 on: September 22, 2021, 07:55:37 AM »
hello, long time no see


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #85 on: October 01, 2021, 01:53:17 PM »
is PM 2.0 still in the work, or isn't pause/discontinued?


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #86 on: October 02, 2021, 08:52:37 AM »
It's still in the work.


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #87 on: February 05, 2022, 01:20:37 PM »
Stylish ui
Collapsible States
Top and bottom link

Similar behavior trees
Facilitates control of very many fsm
Graph convert action
Graph convert c#
4.framework ,Templates


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #88 on: February 24, 2022, 06:13:31 AM »
So you guys still working on playmaker 2.0. I have a question that feels dumb is it going to be a like new asset or new version. Also are you guys still working on it. I know your team is small from what I heard of and this subject started in 2019 so just wanted to confirm that it’s still being worked on. Or just like bolt 2 discontinued. Update.


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Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Reply #89 on: February 24, 2022, 09:09:32 AM »
As far as i know PM2 is still worked on.
But also PM1 is still getting new updates.

I do not know if its going to come out as a new version or a new asset.