Well my nick is DamianGTO.
I will try to make this short.lol.
I did start to program in 1979 on my schools computer.
1981 i did get a tv-game(Philiphs g7000) and played game with it, but it had one programming module.
The bad thing was that is you did remove the power all you did write did get deleted.
in 1982 my father did buy me a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16K that I did play alot on, but i did programming in basic on it to.
Most of the time I did use it for coding games.
The bad part was that you could only save it to a tape and that did take time.
So often you did not do that.
Well I cant tell how much game i have lost that way.
I did upgrade it to 48K and with other stuff to.
After that I did get an Atari 520 when it did came out.
I did buy Atari 1024STE when it did come out.
With that I did play and did programming.
I did started with basic , but did go to Turbo Pascal.
I did also start with BBS and did write alot of stuff to it.
I did use modem alot and did alot of hacking, but I did feel it was kind of wrong.
I did get into Fido net and did alot on that.
Hade my own fido nod and did help other out alot.
After that I did start using PC.
Well they was not so good in the start.
Used DOS, but I did use Norton DOS so I did have multitasking DOS :-)
Did learn alot if different programming language.
But I did leave game programming then.
Used Visual studio, most for I did get in a beta program with Microsoft so I did get all stuff for free :-)
Did build computer system and had a dream to work like a programmer.
Well in the late 1999 I did work with computers for about 6 months.
In 2000 I did start working like a programmer and did that for 5 years.
I also did do anything you can think of when it comes to computer.
Did build servers to company and that kind of stuff.
The company did not survive so they did go broke.
But the owner did have more company and I still do some support for the program i did stop developing 2005( some new stuff i have done later)
The greatest feeling was to kick microsoft and all other in the ass for they could not do what we did with our program.If we did not had a function a company needed then we just did it alot better then they could dream about it.
Still things I did back then is very advanced still today.
Also the programming language we used I and one more in our company was the best in the world with it.
So we did have the support for that languages :-)
After that i have not worked with programming, but I do it in my spare time.
Now days I do program android phones and I do build a linux kernel to Samsung Galaxy S (i9000) that is one of the worlds best kernels. So I do have an site with around 5000 member, but So many do use it so last time i did have any clue on how many it was then it was over 20.000 people. I know there is people all over the world that use it. :-)
I did start to program to Android just to be able to do stuff with my kernel.
But a friend to my girlfriend ask me about games and that how i did start with Unity for about 2 months ago.
Have done 2 games thats out on the market.
I have used playmaker fo less then a week and i have not done much with it yet.
I do try to learn as much I can,
I also know I do have a learning curve on 6 months that i just learn things before I start doing stuff thats okey,
Then i just continue to learn and write stuff.
*If I love what I do I want to learn so much I can so I can do the best things there is.
Its how I am. I want always change things to be better..

Well thats was little about me.