
Author Topic: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread  (Read 51060 times)


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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2013, 07:51:56 AM »
Yep! Ideas out the wazoo!

The hard part for me is actually implementing all of the object oriented design elements, deciding when to perform the loading, where to store the variables, which way to send/get the data, stuff like that. It seems like at this point its more of a matter of organizing things than it is figuring out how to do them.

Plus there are so many ways to do things. To make a "motor" you could put all of the stats on it and animate the floats on that object if you wanted. Or you could put the controls and everything on a parent object and just pull a couple of variables out of the part. Organizing this type of design is a bigger feat than actually making things happen, I think.

I've been making use of a GDD sort of FSM where I mockup ideas and store progress charts and stuff and that's been pretty useful. It's helped to get an idea of how things can flow before I start making changes to the FSMs.
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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #31 on: September 07, 2013, 05:51:41 PM »
Oomph WebPlayer Updated!

Added a Space Station model
With a landing pad that you can't really use yet, but you can start there, take off and get a better feel for the scale of things. Also improved the hangar and spawning system overall, its more stable, independent and cohesive now. This makes way for a more versatile landing and shopping system if there are more than one space stations in an area and you want to use any of them.

Missile improvements
Added collision setup, nifty physics, better trail FX, explosion on impact and fixed it where you can't hit them immediately after firing them while moving at a high speed i.e. fire them, then run them over before they get going, thus exploding them in your face.

Control system woes...
Man, flying is one thing... but setting up a control system that is landing friendly but also plays well at high speeds is a whole 'nother beast. I'm going to have to make a bunch of changes to the controls and inputs to make it feasible to land, currently its near impossible to set the ship down due to the zero drag scenario in space. It's 10x worse than setting up a helicopter scenario because there is no gravity to pull you down or stop you from drifting away if you push a tiny bit too much throttle.

Scale woes...
I currently have everything setup to play as 1 unit = 1 inch. This is probably not a good idea, Big numbers seem to make Unity upset so I'm probably going to scale to 1 unit = 1 meter (0.03 times scale smaller) to keep unity happy. I'll have to change all of the current physics inputs for speed related things but I think it will be better in the long run as draw distance and unity scene view is already giving me trouble.
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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2013, 01:50:32 PM »
Love the examples thanx :)


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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2013, 10:31:15 PM »
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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2013, 10:41:30 PM »
Oomph WebPlayer Updated!

Changed Controls
The controls were changed. The throttle is on W/S now, and there isn't reverse yet.

TAB/SHIFT is now for vertical strafing. Q/E maintains horizontal strafing. I still want to stipulate 6DoF functionality but have been managing issues with the strength of the input for strafing and dividing it down doesn't seem to be the best answer, a new motor would solve it but I don't want to overcomplicate it with that just for strafing... Maybe I need to though.

You may land.... in.. landing bay...err well.. the only one there...
You can now land on the docking pad. I haven't really setup "Landing" perfection because basically you fly into the zone and press F, then turn into a zombie ship and float/spin all over. I want to make the player actually land, using landing gear or something, in order to be able to activate the shop.

Technically, with the way its setup I could just thrown in another shop and you could go land over on that one instead with absolutely no work other than drag-n-drop..... dunno why i didn't just add another one in to showcase that..

Scaled Down
I scaled everything down very much. I did so by changing the scale on the prefabs, which in turn required scaling down the particle effects, speeds, sizes, rates etc and also scaling down all of the physics inputs. It was pretty straightforward and better than rebuilding the prefabs but manifested a few weird glitches. This unfortunately took some decent time and didn't provide any front end results to see.

I tweaked the FX just to make myself feel better about things.

Need Feedback
I'd really like some feedback on how things feel in the webplayer. Controls, mostly. I think at this point you can get a decent impression of where things feel like they're going so any feedback would be really useful to help me add more content before releasing an updated kit. Sometimes the control changes require revamping quite a bit of the input system or gui and commenting those systems would be useless if the feedback necessitated a change.

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Flying Robot

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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2013, 11:26:08 PM »
Hey Lane,

The controls felt really good. Not really sure about the roll though. May be it needs to be slowed down. Or you can do short bursts of aux rockets for roll but must wait until it gets recharges again.

The whole thing seemed very fast. May be slowing the time down will give a sense of scale.


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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #36 on: September 14, 2013, 07:37:45 AM »
Hello Lane, it is becoming great.. I agree with Flying Robot that slowing down the roll and the forward movement makes it better. Maybe you can give us some control of the speed so we can help finding the best setting.

Wil you make some kind of switch between rocket and cannon/laser, i miss that ?

Keep up the good work.


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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2013, 03:08:13 PM »
Good suggestions. I made some changes and updated the webplayer.

Zipped & Uploaded current project as v0.2
Link is at the bottom

Slowed things way down
Significantly reduced speeds, torques and force powers.

Added Turret AI
I created a basic AI that does a simple dodge move and fires missiles at you.

Changed Clutch Button to Spacebar
To me this seems like a substantial accessory to gameplay, so I moved it from X to Space so its easier to access. Strafing by enemies and unloading heaps of ammo into them is move convenient now.

Fixed Camera Changing bug
I missed a bug with the camera changing system that threw the camera out of the ship after you changed it for the first time. This is due to the scaling down of the prefabs and how Unity interprets local space in the parenting system, if there is a disparity then you have to figure out which scale of units its using. This makes Get/Set Position fail because the units aren't scaled when pulled between Parent/Children that have a difference in scale.

Added Health system
Basically the projectiles will handle the collision and send the subtraction to the collider's Health FSM. The stipulation is that every object with health will have an FSM named "Health" and a variable called "Health" that the projectiles can manipulate. I hacked up a custom action called Subtract FSM Float to do this. I also had to use Collision/Trigger Event 2 made by Jean due to the tagging nature of the included ones.

Aware of scale
After adding a couple of minor changes to the effects I realized the missiles were EXTREMELY fast, but there wasn't much for reference of speed nor other moving objects in the scene, hopefully the new AI's help with that problem. I figure this will be an ongoing issue until there is enough activity in the scenes to help you get a sense of scale and speed.

Current Source Files Download

I still haven't tested to see if this works with the playerprefs, so if someone gets a chance take a whack at it and see if the files work properly. I assume they do because the playerprefs seem fairly straightforward.

Demo Video
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 02:34:33 PM by Lane »
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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2013, 02:36:29 PM »
Thanks for the feedback, I showed it to a few friends and they agree that they feel much more in control without sacrificing too much floaty realism.

Added a demo video, also posted on the Unity forums, feedback seems limited over there in the WIP area though.
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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2013, 02:36:46 AM »
 to get exposure on the WIP section, you need to put content regularly so that it's on the first page, else you will not get traffic. so keep coming with new comments ( meaningfull, <bump> will put people off...) and news about your progress on this, new videos etc etc,

With my excavator thread, I reached 10K views since 2011, so you can do it too by staying active there ( and I haven't played any social cards such as advertising on my facebook page or tweet, etc etc), so I am sure that if you ask your fb friends to like the link, you will get massive potential for exposure)




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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #40 on: September 17, 2013, 07:17:05 AM »
I typically don't do <bump> replies, with the Brevis thread I had the whole first page with regular updates with videos and stuff and got two replies out of it so it was a bit odd, I thought it might be just dropping off the radar too fast or something, but it was probably just boring to watch.

I hope once I get more features like a smarter AI, better GUI and people recognize they can download and mod the whole thing if they get PM it would be a little more popular. I'll keep going in that direction and see how it goes, thanks for the suggestions.

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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #41 on: October 12, 2013, 05:13:58 PM »
Oomph Update!

New Shop
Created a new shop system that is much more elaborate. Still working with the crummy unity GUI but its much better than before.

Now it will find the appropriate hardpoint for the part you're adding, put it there, rotate it properly, store it, build thrusters for it on the fly and get rid of the old items. This is great for iterating forward since you just make a prefab with the mount points with the correct names and the shop will build it correctly -- no need to do anything but add a GUI button in the shop for it.

New Ship Models + Weapons
Created a new model pack that looks significantly better than the old one but is still very unpolished. I have varieties in the wings and engine, next step is to add a second hull that is unique & very different to see how well it manages tossing the mounts onto it. =)

Added a hardpoint system, the wings are the only thing you can mount weapons on, the shop finds the mount and puts the weapon there. The weapon mounts can be fired in 2 groups and the weapons after being mounted will figure out what group they should be in. This makes it easy to distinguish between a laser group and a missile launcher group, for instance.


I'll upload a new kit once I get the other weapons working and fix some small bugs.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 05:16:08 PM by Lane »
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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #42 on: October 12, 2013, 05:31:25 PM »
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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2013, 06:37:34 PM »
Simple Match Two Example

This thread [ ] lead me to make a simple Match Two game this afternoon.

See attached file.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 07:21:10 PM by Lane »
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Re: [Community] Example Scene Requests Thread
« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2013, 08:40:53 PM »

This is way too fun now.

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|| That Hurt! : Dmg Floaties
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