Welcome to the community! =) You don't need to do any coding at all.
What you
do need to know is..
- The fundamentals of how Unity works
- The fundamentals of what kinda of data the system needs to do something
- The ability to logically troubleshoot a flowchart
If you don't know how Unity works, then you won't get anywhere. It's worth going through some of the Official Unity Tutorials just to understand how Unity works, what prefabs are, what GameObjects are, how Materials work, how Lighting should be setup, how the collision system works, etc..
The fundamentals of data is the more technical side of designing things, you'll need to understand what variables are and what they do. For instance what is a String, Vector2, Vector3, Float, Integer, GameObject, Object, etc.. and how/when/why to use each one.
PlayMaker works like a flow chart, if you understand the fundamentals of how the computer is going to kind of process information then you can basically put a flow chart together in your head of how the system will work, then mirror that into playmaker. It's pretty much that easy.
You'll figure out nearly all of this as you start developing but I'd highly recommend taking things slow, start with the Official Tutorials and then take playmaker and start trying to make a very simple game, like Pong or something just to get familiar with FSM's and such, then move on to something harder.
If you bite off too much, you'll quit. Everyone needs a small feeling of success on a regular basis.