
Im planing on starting a playmaker education package for the asset store
and i would like you guys to tell me what would you like that package to include
as i would like to get the most from the package i will keep it simple
only use unity basic shapes no other packages will be needed
I want to teach people how to use playmaker for more advanced stuff
of course it will be fully documented for easy understanding
So... what would you want me to include in the package ?
The subjects for right now are :
1. Random lvl generation with meshes ( use prefabs to randomly generate lvls)
2. Build infinite runner structure.
3. Mecanim with playmaker.
4. Shooting mechaninc and Health points.
5. Damge pop ups ( like in RPG when the damage pops from the charecters)
6. Use playmaker to access more in depth parametars of the game objects
7. Add properties during runtime to gameobjects and how to tweak them
Any more suggestions ?