I am updating stuff (reinstalling the newest of Unity and every plugin I use) and got these 5 WARNINGS when adding the 3 playmaker actions for UnityAds:
Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/UnityAds/UnityAds_AdReady.cs(27,58): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Advertisements.Advertisement.isReady(string)' is obsolete: `Use Advertisement.IsReady method instead'
Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/UnityAds/UnityAds_Initialize.cs(27,47): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Advertisements.Advertisement.allowPrecache' is obsolete: `Advertisement.allowPrecache is no longer supported and does nothing'
Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/UnityAds/UnityAds_ShowAd.cs(46,58): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Advertisements.Advertisement.isReady(string)' is obsolete: `Use Advertisement.IsReady method instead'
Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/UnityAds/UnityAds_ShowAd.cs(53,106): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Advertisements.ShowOptions.pause' is obsolete: `ShowOptions.pause is no longer supported and does nothing, video ads will always pause the game'
Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/UnityAds/UnityAds_ShowAd.cs(55,91): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.Advertisements.ShowOptions.pause' is obsolete: `ShowOptions.pause is no longer supported and does nothing, video ads will always pause the game'
Haven't tested, yet so not sure if any of them cause any problems or not.
Unity 5.1.1f1
Unity Ads 1.2.1
and the 3 actions from this thread: UnityAds_AdReady, UnityAds_Initialize, UnityAds_ShowAd