I would love to be able to build a multi dimensionnal array system but it's going to be tricky because of the action User Interface limitations, It's getting in the way of building more complex systems.
What I have in mind actually would be to create a csv/xml system very much like ArrayMaker, but dealing with xml under the hood, with a csv parser as well ( and why not json), then it would open fantastic perspectives usch as xpath queries.
right now, I would recommand to just split your multi dimensionnal arra yinto a set of arrays and simply maintain references, I do that all the time, it's working very well ( and exposes more, because a multid array would be difficult to display its content in the inspector)
So as kiriri is explaining, I would ( and actually am) use this technic for now.
I unfortunately seriously lack of spare time to tackle this xmlMaker project ( I have input.touches framework and vectrosity framework currently cooking

), but if a project has sufficient fundings to support the initial kick to get that up and running, I would be delighted to make it. I know exactly how I would do it,
I make some initial tests, for example to parse csv and make it as an xml: