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PlayMaker Help / The hitObject is not changed
« Last post by fukada on Today at 02:36:19 AM »
Please help.
As shown in the image, if the HitObject is an Enemy it stops and then queues.
If it's not an Enemy it should move, but the HitObject isn't updated.
It should be looping with a Wait in between, but it remains at the object that was first hit.

What am I doing wrong? ?
The image's mobility is also not restricted to its vertical or horizontal orientation. No matter how much I experiment with Scroll View and UI components in conjunction with my present configuration in PM, nothing works.
PlayMaker Help / Re: Mouse Down Not Working on Touch
« Last post by wingedloutish on May 20, 2024, 09:42:38 PM »
The issue you're experiencing with the "mouse down" event in Unity 2020.3.12f1 and PlayMaker 1.9.1 could be due to differences in how touch inputs are handled in newer versions of Unity and PlayMaker.
General Discussion / Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Last post by Jonah_Griffin on May 20, 2024, 02:42:16 AM »
As a music enthusiast, I love exploring diverse genres on It offers an extensive library that caters to every musical taste. RadioQ has become my go-to platform for discovering new sounds.
General Discussion / Best DB for Playmaker
« Last post by MS42 on May 19, 2024, 09:02:46 PM »
Hey there,
What are the best/common options for Playmaker database interaction?

I'm looking for a leaderboard solution and login/registration system.

Lootlocker - not sure if it has been updated recently

Easy Save - The Complete Save Data & Serializer System - Looks useful - not sure if it can use popular SQL db's

Mongo - no PM utilities available

Platform is WebGL
I SOLVED IT!!! I had to destroy and create the collider component then activate composite collider component, but then I would fall through the terrain, so for a couple frames I had to freeze the player in place. Whoo...

I realize destroying objects can result in a lot of junk, but we will cross that bridge when we get there, unless you have any other suggestions...
I also noticed that reseting the tilemap collider in the inspector on/off seems to be the issue. How do I reset a component? I don't see an action for this, even in the ecosystem browser. Is this a cache issue (thought I saw that from a website somewhere). Would reseting the cache help? If so, how do you do that at runtime? I don't want to use set property because I want to standardize the process (copy and paste fsm on multiple game objects) and enabling behavior gives me an error like I said earlier.

I forgot to mention that enabling and disabling the tilemap collider (whether at runtime or in editor, not gameplay) fixes this issue but enabling behavior causes an error. Would late update be affecting this (I’m not sure how it is currently set).

PlayMaker Help / Child game object tilemap collider not following parent
« Last post by misterjuly on May 17, 2024, 07:49:42 PM »

I have a tilemap that has a parent that it is supposed to follow it when I rotate it. It does this when I mirror the object a couple of times (example it starts at rotation y axis 0, I flip the parent to 180, I have this parent so the child stays in place, I flip it back and the tilemap is where it is supposed to be but the collider is off to one side or another). This happens even if I modify the y values in the editor NOT during gameplay (but it does that too). Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know this may not be a playmaker issue but you guys have always been very good at responding and it might involve playmaker to solve so I thought I’d post it here.

PlayMaker Help / Re: Mouse Down Not Working on Touch
« Last post by stigma on May 17, 2024, 02:22:53 AM »
did you put the object in a layer and use this same layer in the event?
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