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You can say it has become an integral profession of many modern Escort in  Rajouri Garden. Like it to someone or not, but the fact remains. Moreover, our society has long been treated with an understanding of this work. Not often do politicians speak frankly on this topic.
I dont thino you can override an Input value. Thats why its called Input. What do you exacly trying to achieve here? Need more info
PlayMaker Help / Re: Need to check if multiple tags are all the same
« Last post by skrrrappa on Today at 05:11:50 AM »
I think there is a Tag Switch action
PlayMaker Help / Re: Can't send remove event (Within Animation Tab)
« Last post by skrrrappa on Today at 05:10:22 AM »
You can only pass a string variable through the event, which is the event”s name that you send to the gameobject. Why do you wanna specify the fsm anyway?
PlayMaker Help / Can't send remove event (Within Animation Tab)
« Last post by fromfame on June 02, 2024, 03:22:57 PM »

I've created an event within Unity's animation tab, and on that, if I created an fsm on the gameobject itself that contains both the animation and an fsm, it will fire the event successfully, however you can't specify the fsm. I don't care to fix that issue for now.

My primary issue is the "sendremoveevent", when selected I don't get any more than 1 field. I can't specify any other gameobject or fsm. I've tried different formats like "test/testfsm/1" "test-testfsm-1" "test:testfsm:1" etc.

Does anyone have an answer as to how to resolve this? I couldn't find any information in playmaker's documentation about how to address this issue.

I've attached an image of the issue below.
Share New Actions / Re: Player Input System - Switch Control Scheme manually
« Last post by GameStrike on June 02, 2024, 11:06:27 AM »
Script fixed in attachment... Sorry.
Share New Actions / Player Input System - Switch Control Scheme manually
« Last post by GameStrike on June 02, 2024, 11:02:23 AM »
Hello, I would like to suggest this action to add to the existing "PlayerInput package".

It was created to allow you to manually change the "Control Scheme" in use during playmode. Very useful if the player is using a keyboard and mouse and connects a GamePad while playing the game.

PlayMaker Help / Get Location Info & StartLocationService help
« Last post by zzap64 on June 01, 2024, 12:10:13 AM »

Im trying to get the users location on iOS device. (lat and long)
Using the Get Location Info action however the wiki mentions to use StartLocationService beforehand but I’m struggling where to find this ?
Same issue. Let me know if you can solve this! :(
PlayMaker Help / Re: PropertyDrawer.EditField returning a reflection error.
« Last post by Papatwika on May 30, 2024, 11:38:41 AM »
I was able to resolve my issue by making another Propertydrawer class for the "insert" subclass. Doing this, I could use an overload of the EditField method:

public void EditField(string fieldName, object fieldValue, object[] attributes)

This method works without giving me the reflection error.
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