This is a welcome initiative indeed! Typically I am aware of several issues ( having attended IndieTAW game jam last week was very useful for this).
-- multi player joystick management ( not networking, simply 4 simultaneous players trying to play the game using xbox types of joystick), I had to come up with scripts to help them out, so a tutorial on how to do this properly from scratch would be great ( ie, make use of Unity input properly, map joysticks to player controls etc).
-- understanding/mastering colliders, triggers and when a rigidbody is required else it would fail. Yes Unity doc says it all, but I think very few are actuall opening the help to read the doc, so we need another vector of information here to help people understanding why a collider or a trigger doesn't work as expected.
-- Player controller: it's a bit of a mess because the Unity controller system is only a starting point for most projects, and so people tend to want to design their own, but it is obviously very hard, so a proper tutorial to write different types of character controller would be great
-- Mecanim is scaring a lot of entry level users... so this needs some love so that artists and programmer can finally properly adopt this and understand the great power behind this fantastic tool!
-- screen placement for GUI elements, especially how to deal with different screens sizes and how to properly brainstorm the UI so that it works properly and looks good on all screen sizes and ratio.